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Chapter 2: Speaking C# | Storing numbers | C# 7 improvements | Page 79

The following code has incorrect extra underscores (_) after the 0b and 0x notations:

int decimalNotation = 2_000_000; // 2 million
int binaryNotation = 0b_0001_1110_1000_0100_1000_0000; // 2 million
int hexadecimalNotation = 0x_001E_8480; // 2 million

The code should be:

int decimalNotation = 2_000_000; // 2 million
int binaryNotation = 0b0001_1110_1000_0100_1000_0000; // 2 million
int hexadecimalNotation = 0x001E_8480; // 2 million

Chapter 8: Working with Databases Using the Entity Framework Core | Building an EF Core Model | Page 284

The code for the Microsoft SQL Server connection string has a missing parameter. Add MultipleActiveResultSets=true; as shown in the following code:

// for Microsoft SQL Server
@"Data Source=(localdb)\mssqllocaldb;" +
"Initial Catalog=Northwind;" +
"MultipleActiveResultSets=true;" +
"Integrated Security=true;");